capital manager that invests in residential and commercial
derivatives and assets.
strategic investments
real estate development
Our MARQUIS Alpha Opportunity Fund I & II are engineered to take advantage of the arbitrage that exists in defaulted residential mortgages.
We continue to employ our value-add skills to improve loan performance and returns to our clients.
Each fund structure employs arbitrage and loss mitigation strategies that restructures the loans, making them affordable while maintaining the integrity of the balances owed.
Benefit directly with our Equity Participation (EP) Program in select developments throughout Southern California.
Our EP Program provides investors to benefit from the sales of office or living space in the completed developments.
With a conservative approach to valuations, assets are acquired at attractive prices to ensure any potential volatility in the markets is accounted for.
We are actively involved in medium- and large-scale developments that include hospitality, office and medical sectors.
Currently, we are concentrated in the Southwestern United States but expanding at a strategic pace into key metropolitan markets.
Our developments are geographically centered around key transportation routes including air transport, rail and freeways to ensure direct and easy access.